Monday, June 29, 2015

Goals, Habits, Allies

Goals, Habits, Allies

     Short term: I want to get into the four year college of my choosing, what ever that might be. I want to take a couple of ACT classes in order to improve my scores for college. Finally I would like to take a couple of business classes at my local College of Marin so I get a better feel on how the buisiness world operates and feels.
     Long term: I want to be a CEO of my own company by 2026. Before that I want to get my bachelors degree in college by 2020. Finally I want to get an internship at one of the main offices at a successful, fortune-500 company (maybe a company like Google, Apple, or even Disney).

     Habit that I have now: I tend to stay on time and stay after hours to help my colleagues out with what they need. Also I am always respectful and know when to talk at the right time. Every time I get assigned homework, I always do it right when I get home. Finally I check everything that I do to see if I have committed a mistake.
     Habits that I would like to develop: I would like to develop the habit of listening more instead of always thinking about what I am going to say. Also I would like to start conversations with people I wouldn't normally talk to because it would allow me to connect with more people and gain more social skills because you can't have enough of those. 

     What allies I all ready have: My allies include the smarter peers at my grade because they make me want to do more and push myself, because at the end of the day I am competing with them in some way or another. Also my friends are my allies because we all help each other academically, athletically, and socially. 
     Someone who I want to be my ally: I want my ally to be a person who knows how to be effective, while still keeping the interests of the workers and customers. Maybe this person will be a high ranked person that runs a successful, high-priority company. 


  1. Nice obtainable goals and great timeframe for them

  2. The goals you picked are well thought out. It seems like you know what you want.

  3. Good goals, Robert. They are all reasonable and attainable by your standards.

  4. I really appreciate how much detail you put into each category of the post. The more detail, the more likely you are to achieve the goals you create! Do you have an idea for who could be the potential ally you are looking for in the future?
