Monday, July 13, 2015

Blog 3: Option 1

I would like to attend college because I believe that there are many advantages, not only economically, but to gain life experience as well. Right now what interests me the most would be a job in the medical field because the way the human body functions is interesting to me and I care about helping others. Some majors that are interesting to me are Kinesiology  , Biology, and General Health Sciences.


Physician Assistants
-Median Salary: $97,200
- States with highest salaries include: California, New York, Texas, Florida
- Education: Typically require Bachelors in Biology and a Masters in a specialized 2-3 year program
- Physical Assistants must be able to work in a fast paced and high pressure environment. They also must be able to diagnosis patients and give them prescriptions accordingly. They are expected to keep track and monitor the health of various patients.

Occupational Therapists 
- Median Salary: $75,300
- States with Higher Salaries: California, Florida, Pennsylvania
- Lower Salaries: Maine, Massachusetts-
-Education: Requires a Masters Degree
- Occupational Therapists work with patients to be able to recover and do daily tasks in life.They must be able to support patients in times of physical and mental distress and keep track of progress.
Physical Therapists 
- Median Salary: $83,000
- States with Highest Pay:California, Connecticut, Massachusetts
-Education: Doctoral
-Physical Therapists work with people who have limited range of movements, and other limiting health factors and help them recover. They must be able to motivate their patients and help them, with pain management.


  1. I think those majors would be really interesting in college. They also lead to good careers that could be entertaining and you did a really good job describing the type of person who becomes a physical therapist

  2. I think those majors would be really interesting in college. They also lead to good careers that could be entertaining and you did a really good job describing the type of person who becomes a physical therapist

  3. All of these jobs sound very interesting. It would be beneficial to work in California for all the jobs, which is good if you planned on staying here.
