Friday, July 24, 2015

Blog Post #5: Internship Reflection

Internship Reflection

I truly believe that my internship could not have gone better. Throughout the people I met and interacted with, the skills I gained, and aspects of myself I improved upon, each day brought something new to be grateful for. The class portion of the internship program was also very rewarding, and helped tie in everything from my internship. I feel like I gained a wide variety of knowledge I'll use in every single day of my life.
During my time at Art Works downtown, I met many studio artists and residents of the building. Each person had an entirely different background, and interacting with these people and learning more about them was always a joy. They were not only extremely kind, but inspiring people, especially considering how they all were able to spend their days doing what they love. From the woman that ran classes for children and incorporated crafts into more surrealist art, to the woman that brought in her tiny dog every day and painted tile sized hyperrealistic still lifes, to the man that created sculptures combining religious ideas with the rustic images of nature. Everyone was so interesting, and there was such an inspiring air around them, that I looked forward to coming into work every day.
Not only that, my supervisors, Stan and Lark, were both kind and friendly. I found it so easy to talk with them, and we all connected through sharing stories from our lives. We were able to make work enjoyable, instead of skirting around awkward tensions. They both inspired me, as they were able to take control of the lives, in more ways than one, and create an environment they could be happy in. I think that this really gave me confidence in my aspirations.
Throughout my work at Art Works Downtown, I was continuously challenged, and was surprised to find skills inside myself I didn't know I had. I have since become much better at communicating with people, being able to help others, being able to approach people and begin a conversation, and more. By interacting with the public, I was able to push myself to do new things, and discover how what may have terrified me in the past was not as troubling as I feared.
The work I completed with the career pathway academy was valuable, as I know learning skills like how to create a resume or cover letter is a huge asset for my future life. Also, many of the assignments involved me writing about my feelings or desires, and by actually having to process my thoughts and put them to paper, I was able to gain a more secure sense of what I want in life and how I feel.
The school to career internship program was extremely enjoyable, and I feel my life will forever be changed by this experience. I am extremely lucky to have had this experience, and I know many do not get this chance, which is why it is important I express my gratitude towards everyone involved in this process. Thank you all.

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