Friday, July 24, 2015

Blog #5

    I am  grateful for many things: like a roof over my head, a healthy family, or just that I get a lot of opportunities that some teenagers don't. This summer I am happy to learn about new aspects of myself, and I discovered those through all the Waybook entries at Career Readiness class and my summer internship. Although I came to the realization that I didn't want to just become an accountant, it was valuable to learn the basics because everyone needs to know how to run their own finances especially if one would like to own their own company. From the Waybook entries I learned more specific things about my habits and tendencies, such as that I have a lot of openness, selflessness, and ambition. Also from these tendencies I can figure out which job would fit me the most and how I could prepare for it. The most important thing I took away from the class was the financial lessons and how much budgeting will help in the future. From the class in general I learned about all the Work Readiness Skills that I have and some I need to work on, which will help me become more successful in the future. These Work Readiness Skills were worked on everyday at my internship and allowed me to be more efficient and better prepared. My professionalism was increased drastically, because I don't normally like wearing nice clothes, but I am starting to wear these clothes outside of my internship. Also communication and computer literacy were my weak-points at the beginning of the class, but overtime I expressed my ideas much more, and familiarized myself a lot more with different accounting softwares. Not only did I gain those basic Career Readiness Skills, but I learned some of the advanced ones such as being numerically literate and can improve. I was numerically literate because I ran countless Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable and had to check my math every step of the way. I am very fortunate to have gained this experience at North Marin Water District and hope to get more internships like it to further my progress of becoming a CEO.


  1. It sounds like you gained a lot from your internship as well as the class!

  2. I think its really great that while you realized you didn't want a career in the area your internship was in, you still recognized and acknowledged the skills you had gained from your work there. Good luck for anything you do after your internship!

  3. It is quite a coincidence that our wonderful experiences have mirrored each other throughout these six weeks. In addition to the Work Readiness Skills that you enhanced, it is awesome that you learned new aspects about yourself. This self-reflection will bode well for your future and force you to continually improve. Keep doing what you do and you will end up just fine- as an important CEO.

  4. Nice reflection, you did a good job tying it to your future.

  5. Good reflection, Robert. You did a superb job detailing what you learned, and that attention to detail and specificity is what will enable you to become a great CEO.
